Many young people struggle with societal barriers and face adversities such as mental health issues, family violence, identity issues or poor living conditions. Your donation will lead to healthy, thriving youth who can achieve more.
Partner with Big Brothers Big Sisters and build your brand through cause-related marketing campaigns, program sponsorship, or growth development grants.
Organize your social groups, have fun, and support a great cause. Do what you enjoy most while knowing you are making a difference for youth who are struggling to achieve more.

Bowl For Kids Sake/Play For Kids Sake
National Sponsorship of our premiere nation-wide fundraising event becomes available periodically. Sponsorship of our national event is a multi-year agreement.
Our Bowl campaign runs from February to March and directly reaches hundreds of thousands of participants each year, as well as potentially millions of Canadians through advertising reach.
Available sponsorships include an exclusive National Partner, and several smaller National Supporter titles.
Contact us to discuss.

Run Your Own Event
These events are organized by you or your community group (e.g. school groups, unions, or corporations) to help raise funds necessary for Big Brothers Big Sisters to operate and ensure that every child gains the confidence to achieve more through a mentoring relationship.
An event can be any activity by a non-affiliated group or individual. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada has no fiduciary responsibility and little or no staff involvement, however, we will support you and your event as much as possible to help it be a success. Event examples include: A “something”-a-thon, Raffles, Auctions, Parties, Video Game Fundraising Models – “something-for-kids-sake”.
Third-Party Fundraiser Application

Tribute & Memorial Gifts
At the next special occasion, honour a friend, mentor, or family member with a gift in their honour. If a loved one has recently passed, you can also make a gift to Big Brothers Big Sisters in their memory.
Loved ones or their family will receive a personalized note of the donation made in their honour and a tax receipt will be sent to you. Make a gift in honour of someone special online or contact us

Leave a Legacy of Hope
The Leave a Legacy of Hope program encourages people to leave a gift through their will or another planned giving method to Big Brothers Big Sisters.
A member of our staff would be pleased to discuss with you directly the options for this program.

Donating Mutual Funds & Stocks
Did you know that in 2006, the government made changes to tax rules, which can make a donation less taxing to you?
If you have shares/stocks or mutual funds which you have owned for a while (these are held outside of your RRSP, RRIF or Tax Free Savings Account), you paid $25,000 for these investments, and they’ve grown in value to $50,000. If you’ve decided to make a large donation of $50,000 to a charity (like Big Brothers Big Sisters), you now have two options. One, you can sell the investments and give the cash to the charity (doing so will trigger capital gain, which will result in tax payable). Your second choice is to give the investments directly to the charity. That means transferring the actual investment from your name to theirs, without physically selling it. Here’s the benefit: when investments are transferred directly to a charity, there is NO capital gain triggered, so there is NO tax payable! Under both scenarios, you will receive a tax receipt for the full value of the donation (in both cases being $50,000); however, more is kept in your pocket by avoiding the capital gain under option two.
Talk to your financial or tax advisor on how this could work for you!
*This information should not be relied on as a basis for any decision or action and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice such as legal advice or tax. You should seek independent legal and/or tax professionals to get advice regarding your personal circumstances.

In-Kind Donations
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada and agencies across the country rely greatly on in-kind contributions from our partners. If you are considering an in-kind donation, please e-mail us.
Examples of in-kind donations can include:
- Business services (marketing, administrative, technology, consulting)
- National Event tickets (local tickets should deal directly with the local community agency)
- Gift certificates to national restaurants and retail chains