All programs and services offered through Big Brothers Big Sisters of Oxford County are at no-cost to the young people and their families/caregivers.

(1:1 matches and group programs).

All programs are for youth aged 6-18, except for PRISM, which is offered for youth up to 21 years of age.

One to One Mentoring

Community Based 1:1 Matches

Our Community Based Program (Big Brothers or Big Sisters) provides youth with a positive role model to talk to and engage in a variety of activities with.

Mentors build a developmental relationship with their mentee through consistent, weekly outings. The match is created based on common interests.

Pre-match training is provided by the agency and matches receive ongoing support from our experienced caseworkers.

Community Based matches are a minimum one-year commitment, and they meet once a week for 2+ hours .


Couples and Family Matches

The Couples Match Program and Family Match Program follow the same structure as our Community Based 1:1 Program.

Matching a youth with a couple or family provides the mentee with additional support and role models, and the opportunity to engage in a wider variety of activities and skill building while forming positive, developmental relationships.

Couples and Family matches are a minimum one-year commitment, and they meet once a week for 2+ hours.

It is a requirement for the mentors to demonstrate a strong, healthy relationship and to have been in a relationship together for a minimum of 2 years before applying to the program.


In-School Mentoring

The In-School Mentoring Program provides youth in grades 1-8 with a role model to talk to and to engage in activities of interest with.

This program takes place during the school day at local elementary schools. Mentors meet with their mentee once a week and engage in various activities such as board games, crafts, reading, sports, baking, etc. This weekly connection allows the mentor and mentee to build a developmental relationship while having fun together and encouraging positive school engagement.

The time commitment is once a week for the duration of the school year. Matches do not meet over the summer break/during other school holidays and contact outside of the school is not permitted.


Literacy Mentoring

This program matches a youth in grades 2-8 with a positive, supportive mentor whose role is to assist them with academic related tasks.

They meet once a week for 1 hour at a local library. The mentor assists their mentee with various academic tasks (ie. Math, Literacy, etc.), homework completion and school projects.

The weekly connection allows the mentor and youth to build a positive, developmental relationship while focusing on skill building through fun and engaging activities.

This program is offered during the evening for the duration of the school year and does not run during the summer months.


PRISM Program

The PRISM (Pride, Respect, Identity, Safety & Mentoring) program is designed to create connection for 2S/LGBTQIA+ identifying youth.

PRISM offers one to one mentoring relationships where youth can connect with an adult who has lived the 2S/LGBTQIA+ experience.

There are also groups for youth on the waitlist where they can connect with other 2S/LGBTQIA+ identifying youth through group activities in the community.

The relationship will provide a child or youth with a safe space to explore their identities, create an empowering relationship with a mentor and connect to the 2S/LGBTQIA+ community in Oxford County.


Group Programming

Go Girls! Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds!


Go Girls! is a group mentoring program for self-identifying females in grade 6 to 8.

The program consists of sessions that are 1-2 hours in length over an 8-week period.

This program runs during the school day, at local elementary schools. This weekly connection allows the mentors and youth to engage in a variety of fun activities together striving to build positive, developmental relationships and enhance their support system. Each session focuses on elements of positive self-esteem, communication skills and how to implement balanced nutrition and active living into daily life.

This program is offered in the community during the summer months.


Game On! Eat Smart, Play Smart!


Game On! is a group mentoring program for self-identifying males in grade 6 to 8.

The program consists of sessions that are 1-2 hours in length over an 8-week period.

This program runs during the school day, at local elementary schools. This weekly connection allows the mentors and youth to participate in a variety of fun activities and games that are designed to encourage youth to get active, engage in life skills and develop positive, developmental relationships. Each session focuses on elements of skill building and healthy communication, as well as information about implementing balanced nutrition and active living into daily life.

This program is offered in the community during the summer months.


SOAR (Social Opportunities Activities Relationships)

The SOAR Program is a group program for our waitlist young people to engage in while they are waiting for a 1:1 match.

Groups are created for different age groups – youth 12 and under, or youth 13+.

Mentors are screened and trained before leading a group, and then participate in pre-planned activities in the community with their mentees. Activities can include but are not limited to recreational activities (dance, martial arts, horseback riding, hiking,), culinary activities, or arts/cultural activities (crafts, painting, museum tours, improv comedy).

The SOAR Program runs for a couple of hours in the evening, once a week, for 8-12 weeks.

The weekly connection allows the mentors and youth to engage in a variety of activities together while striving to build positive, developmental relationships and to focus on social integration, communication skills, engaging in new experiences, and skill building.


Cops For Kids

Cops for Kids is a group program for our waitlist youth ages 10-14 to engage in while they are waiting for a 1:1 match.

Cops for Kids matches youth in the community in a group capacity with positive, supportive role models who work in law enforcement.

The mentors are screened and trained by agency staff prior to participating in the program. The group meets once a month for a couple of hours at various community locations. This monthly connection allows the mentors and youth to build a positive, developmental relationship while participating in a variety of fun activities and to focus on social skills, recreation and the opportunity to engage in new experiences and skill building.

This program runs in the evening for the duration of the school year and does not meet during the summer months. Cops for Kids is currently being offered in the Tillsonburg community.


Virtual Programming

Virtual Mentoring

Virtual Mentoring  provides young people on our waitlist with virtual Mentors with whom they can connect through phone, text, and video calling applications.

These matches will communicate online once a week for 1-2 hours, and have a weekly activity or task to work on together.

Monthly activity ideas are sent out to matches, and required supplies are provided to families and mentors.