A Message From BBBSOC Executive Director



Big Brothers Big Sisters of Oxford County Stand With Our 2SLGBTQIA+ Friends

As an agency that serves youth in the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, we were very disappointed to hear of the decision made by Norwich Town Council on Tuesday regarding their stance on raising progress flags and recognizing June as Pride month.  Young people who identify in the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, or those who are trying to find themselves, are directly impacted by this decision.

Our agency works towards measurable outcomes like positive identity, mental wellness, social inclusion and empowerment.  This decision, however, has and will do the opposite. Young people can/will look at their identity as a fault; it will create mental anguish and anxiety during an already tumultuous time; remove the sense of belonging and acceptance; and tear down their confidence, feeling rejected instead of empowered.

The decision made by the majority vote of council will have profound ripple effects, embolden hatred and create new adverse childhood experiences for young people who are already facing adversity.  Our agency is about igniting power and potential, not extinguishing it.  Let’s lift each other over barriers, instead of making them higher.

~ Big Brothers Big Sisters of Oxford County Executive Director, Kristen Ralph.

“Using your fire to ignite someone else’s, will not dim your light…it will illuminate the room & you will shine together.”  ~ B.K. Sweeting