What hidden talent do you have? Are you a singer or dancer; perhaps you can juggle, do magic or card tricks, or trick shots! Can you hula hoop, do awesome yo-yo moves, or maybe you and your dog can do some fun, amazing tricks! We want to showcase your talents during our virtual event, Big Night In – Oxford’s Got Talent!
We are not able to go “out” for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Oxford County’s annual Big Night Out Charity Ball this year, so we are bringing the show to Oxford County virtually on Saturday October 24th. The evening will be hosted by Woodstock’s very own Greg Morton, who was recently a semi-finalist on America’s Got Talent!
We are now recruiting local talent to showcase the evening of the event. If you, your family, friends or co-workers have a talent to highlight during Oxford’s Got Talent, please complete the application form and return it to our office or email it to liz.wismervm@bigbrothersbigsisters.ca by end of day Friday, September 11, 2020.
For more information please call or email Liz Wismer-Van Meer at 519.537.6404 ext. 223 or liz.wismervm@bigbrothersbigsisters.ca
Applications can be dropped off Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Oxford County 787A Dundas Street, Woodstock.
Click on the link below to complete your form:
Oxfords Got Talent Application Form
***Please note: to be eligible for the show you must be a resident of Ontario that resides within 50km of Oxford County, as this is a smaller community talent show to support Big Brothers Big Sisters of Oxford County.***
OGT Information for talent acts about the virtual event:
- Please submit/drop off applications by Friday September 11, 2020
- A confirmation email will be sent once your application is received
- Talent acts will be 3 to 4 minutes for the virtual event, so please keep this in mind when planning your performance
- A recording of your performance must be submitted by end of day Friday September 25, 2020 once your application has been submitted
- All performances the night of the event will be pre-recorded, there will be no live performances
- If the submitted recording quality is acceptable, it will be used for the event – any editing that would need to be done for time restraints will be approved by the performer(s) before the piece is finalized
- If the quality is not acceptable, we will schedule a recording opportunity (date/time/location to be determined) with COVID-19 restrictions and safety measures in place
- Winners will be announced the evening of the event (Saturday, October 24, 2020)