Thousands of smiles were shared across Ingersoll, Innerkip, and Woodstock through Tim Horton’s second annual Holiday Smile Cookie campaign.
The campaign, which launched in November 2023, raised over 9.8 million across Canada to support local charities, organizations, and Tim Hortons Foundation Camps in its inaugural year. This year, the campaign raised over 10.7 million nationwide, with an unbelievable $70,866.96 raised through the participating stores in Ingersoll, Innerkip, and Woodstock. These funds are divided 50/50 between Tim’s Camps and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Oxford County, with $35,433.35 supporting our free youth mentoring programs in Oxford County. As an agency that does not receive ongoing government or core funding, these funds are crucial in ensuring we can continue to offer our programs barrier-free to young people and their caregivers.
Approximately 150 volunteers rolled up their sleeves to be smile creators, decorating Holiday Smile Cookies throughout the week at the stores in these three locations. “We are thrilled that BBBSOC was a part of the Holiday Smile Cookie Campaign again this year,” says Fund Development Manager, Nicole Killaire. “Receiving funds like this ensures that we can offer our mentoring programs to young people and families in Oxford County at no cost, keeping our programs barrier-free and accessible to all youth.”
The funds BBBSOC receives stay in Oxford County, directly supporting young people in our community. Educated and professionally trained caseworkers monitor our programs and matches, providing measurable outcomes in social-emotional competence, mental health & well-being, and educational engagement & employment readiness. Every volunteer mentor is professionally screened and trained before participating in our mentoring programs.
A cheque presentation was held Monday, December 9 at the Tim Hortons Vansittart Avenue location in Woodstock. In the photo are:
Mark Lefebvre, Leslie Farrell, Karen Lefebvre, Erin Tyndall, Emilie Lefebvre, Donovan Minshall , Nicole Killaire, Erica Hughes, and Kristen Ralph.