

This September, we invite Oxford County to join us in recognizing Big Brothers Big Sisters Month. Together, we will celebrate mentorship and raise awareness about the critical need for mentors.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Oxford County (BBBSOC) is witnessing an unprecedented surge in youth enrollment in our programs and a growing number of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) among young people. Statistics underscore the significant impact that one additional supportive developmental relationship can have on a child’s life, and help mitigate the effects of ACEs.

The demand for BBBS services has surged by over 200% from the previous year. We are seeing increasing numbers of young people and their caregivers seeking support. Unfortunately, volunteer enrollment has not kept pace and as an agency that does not receive ongoing government funding, relying on grants, fundraising, sponsorship, and donors, our funding is not balancing with the increase in demand for our free mentoring programs.

“The efforts of BBBSOC are recognized as an investment in the future of our community, fostering the potential of our youth,” says Liz Wismer-Van Meer, Manager of Communications. “We envision a community where all young people are empowered to realize their full potential, and every youth who needs a mentor has a mentor! The continued success of BBBS relies on the generosity and support of dedicated volunteers and donors.”

BBBSOC has been a steadfast pillar of support for young people facing adversities, offering them consistent and nurturing Developmental Relationships. For 55 years, our organization has prioritized the provision of exceptional mentors for youth, embracing diversity across age, gender, race, identity, and religion.

In Oxford County, approximately 150 young people are waiting to be matched with a mentor, not including the youth enrolled through our school-based programs like In-School and Literacy Mentoring.  In as little as one hour each week, you can make a lasting impact by igniting a young person’s potential in your community.

We invite you to learn more about the programs offered through BBBSOC and find out how becoming a mentor can work for you, at www.oxford.bigbrothersbigsisters.ca. You can also email or call our Volunteer Recruitment and Engagement Coordinator, Erica Hughes, at erica.hughes@bigbrothersbigsisters.ca | 519.537.6404.